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Protecting kids in digital spaces is a big topic in legislation and the news.  The concern with it has often been that everyone's privacy and personal information has to be put at risk in order to protect children.

Bandio proves age can be more clear in a way that is convenient, secure, and truly private.

Scroll down for answers to questions we've been asked, and please reach out if you have additional questions!

Raise your voice

Bandio is in its proof-of-concept stage.

Now, platforms and legislators need to hear parents loud and clear for this to become available for use in the real world.

Click the button below to tell us which platforms you most want Bandio to support. And please ask other people you know to consider doing the same.

Together, we can make a difference.

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Bandio Age Band Basics

Why does Bandio exist?

The digital world makes it difficult to tell how old someone is. When kids are treated as adults online, they can end up seeing content and being in conversations that they are not ready to handle.

More and more laws are being passed worldwide, requiring more and more sites to do robust age checks to help change that.

Bandio is a privacy-preserving, parent-friendly option for sites to comply with those laws and to understand which users on their platform are kids.

What IS an age band?

Bandio’s age bands are an alternative to providing a birthdate, or other methods of verifying age in the digital realm.

It is a reusable digital token that you (and users of all ages!) can use to communicate your age range anonymously to participating sites and apps.

More detail >

Do I need a Bandio account?

There is no account for Bandio.

Your completed Bandio age band(s) are stored in the browser’s storage on the device where you created it.

The band is not stored in the cloud, on a server somewhere, or anywhere other than on your own device.

Bandio (the organization) does not store a copy of the band, nor any record of you creating it, nor any of the information you provided when getting an age band.

What is an age band FOR?

In the future, once you have created an age band, you will be able to look through a list of partners that accept Bandio and use your age band on those.Today, the next step is to imagine a world where every site and app know that your kid is a kid, and they design more age-appropriate features and experiences.Advocate for a safer digital world for your kids and kids everywhere by letting us know where you would like to see Bandio integrated.

How do I know Bandio is trustworthy?

Bandio, a public benefit corporation, was created to improve online experiences for kids without compromising privacy, and is in partnership with Common Sense Media and Aleo Networks Foundation.

Common Sense Media is a global nonprofit that provides trustworthy information and education for 21st century childhood.

Aleo Network Foundation enhances understanding of zero-knowledge cryptography and promotes secure, decentralized technologies.

Why does Common Sense Media use Bandio?

Common Sense Media helped create Bandio.

They are now using it on their own website to demonstrate how user-friendly age checks can be, and to raise awareness about the importance of meaningful, privacy-preserving age checks for the next wave of safety innovation in age-aware digital experiences.

Creating Bandio Age Bands

Steps to create an age band for a child.

To create an age band for a child or teen under 16, you as their parent or guardian needs to do the following three steps after tapping on the "Create an age band button" on the Bandio home page or on a partner site.

First, choose the appropriate age range for your child.

Second, demonstrate you are at least 24 by taking a selfie and consenting to the Bandio system analyzing your image to estimate your age. Bandio deletes your image after using it to estimate your age.

Third, you save the band (on the device in the browser’s storage) optionally with a password to prevent others who use your device from using the age band.

How do I get an age band for myself? 

If you’re 16 or older, you can create your own age band by providing evidence to Bandio that you fit into the selected age range.

If you are 24+, you take a selfie and the system uses the image to estimate your age and then deletes the image.

If you are between 16 and 23, our age estimation technology is not accurate enough, so you need to provide evidence of your age through an additional method in order to create the age band.

Currently, that method requires an image of your US Driver’s License. The system deletes the selfie and the ID after attempting to use them to confirm your age range.

Note: Bandio will be adding more methods in the future after the Beta period to enable more people to create age bands.

Should I add a password?

Yes, if more than one person uses the device where you created it and you want them to have to ask your approval before using a particular band in the future.

The password you create is not to prevent hackers from accessing or exploiting it. The age band is only stored locally on the device where it was created, contains no personal information, and has no real value for a thief or data-seeking hackers.

The password also is not related to the account or site you launched the band creation tool from.  

The optional password for a Bandio age band only serves to prevent other people from re-using a particular age band without your approval.

You can make the password as simple or as complex as you feel it needs to be to enforce that boundary.

Using & Managing Age Bands

How do I reuse an existing band on another site?

If you have already created a Bandio age band and wish to use it on a site that accepts Bandio, you would select the Bandio button on the site and then — instead of choosing to create a band — choose “I already have a band” at the bottom of the screen.

From there, pick the age band you wish to send to this specific site, and select the “Use Band” button.

If there is no password stored with the age band, that’s all you have to do!

If there is a password stored with the age band, it will be asked for and you’ll enter it before it sends to the site.

Does my age band work on my other device?

Age bands are specific to a given device and browser.

You need to create a separate age band for each user on each device they use.

Creating a new band typically takes less than a minute, and preventing age bands from moving from device to device is one way Bandio secures age bands.

How do I make sure my younger child doesn’t use my older child’s band?

If you have people of different ages with access to the same device, it’s good practice to add a password or passcode when prompted by Bandio to all of the “older” age bands.

Make sure to choose something that your younger children cannot guess!

Never store the age band password or passcode in the browser to auto-fill, or it will defeat the purpose of having it.

How do I delete an age band I don't intend to use again?

To delete a stored age band from your device, tap on the Bandio button on our site or any Bandio-accepting site.Choose “I already have a band” at the bottom of the screen and then “Manage Bands.”

It’ll display a list of age bands stored on your device, and you can select the one to delete.

Note: Deleting your age band from your device does NOT change or invalidate the age information you already provided to sites.

Security & Privacy

We take privacy very seriously.

Does Bandio put any of my private information at risk?


Unlike other age assurance tools that keep records of personal details like your driver's license or social security number, Bandio’s process to get an age band does not store any personal information beyond the age information.

We can’t lose what we don’t have.

We avoid storing the information by using zero-knowledge proofs (or, as we like to call it, “fancy math”).

Do I have to share my private, sensitive information with sites to verify my age?


Once you've set up your age band or your child's age band with Bandio, you can provide ONLY the age range to a participating site. Bandio provides the site with the mathematical proof that your Bandio age band was created through the official process.

You do not have to give any other information to the site for age verification.

Is my ID stored in a database that could be compromised?


We don't store your ID, images, or any information you provide during the verification process.

We can't put at risk what we don't have!

For further protection, each age band is individually locked (i.e. encrypted), and you are the only person with a key to unlock yours. Bandio doesn't even have the key!

What do you do with my photo ID?

We first use age estimation based on facial characteristics.

If that method alone cannot be sure you are over 24, the system will ask for your driver’s license and will verify it appears to be valid, based on the characteristics of current ID that your face matches the face on the ID the age on the ID matches the age required We do not use any 3rd party to process, match, or verify. Our analysis does not include any identity confirmation: only age.

How do sites know that an age band is legitimate?

When you share your Bandio age band with a site, the site checks that the band is authentic and hasn’t been tampered with by verifying the zero knowledge proof through Bandio’s API.

Bandio uses Aleo Foundation’s toolkit for creating and verifying zero knowledge proofs.

As you might notice, an age band does NOT include any contact information nor any name information.

It is truly anonymous.

Why are there no cookie preferences on Bandio.com?

The answer is pretty simple: we don’t use any tracking cookies that would require us to ask your permission to track you!

We don’t use Google Analytics or any other service to detect who you are and what other websites you visit.

We value your privacy.

Concerns & Support

What if I forget the password?

On most things, you can reset the password if you forget it. Bandio is different.

The age band and its password are stored only on your local device.

You have no Bandio account, nor is there any record of the password on Bandio.

If you forget the password for an age band, just delete it and create a new one!

You know the process is quick and easy — and this is part of keeping your age bands as private as possible.

What happens if I don’t pass the 24+ selfie test?

If you are 24 or older but the system incorrectly estimates your age as below 24 from your selfie, you might feel a pleasing sense of self-satisfaction at your youthful appearance.

You will also be asked to provide additional evidence of your age in order to create the age band

Note, we plan to expand methods in the future, since we know most people in the world do not have a US license!

We chose these two methods because Bandio was able to implement them without having to rely on any third parties.

My child was able to create a band for an adult!! What happened?

Bandio’s current beta product is a work in progress. While we are actively working to improve the system’s accuracy in estimating your age from your selfie, the current accuracy is quite low.

That means the system currently will tell some people over 24 that they aren’t old enough to create a band and it will allow some people under 16 to create bands.

The age estimation technology already exists and has been shown to be sufficiently accurate for preventing under 18 year olds from passing as over 24, and will only improve over time.

See the recent report from the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

How do I cancel my account?

Your Bandio age band is stored on your local device in the browser’s storage. Bandio does not have a copy of your age band and does not have an account for you in our records connected to your age band, so there is no “account” to cancel in the typical sense. Welcome to the new privacy-preserving digital world! (You can delete a band that you no longer want to use, however. See other question.)

(If you signed up for our email list, which is completely separate from any bands you may or may not create, you can opt out of that list by clicking on “Unsubscribe” on any of our emails)

Understanding More

What is an age band, technically?

A Bandio age band is a digital file stored locally in the browser on the device where it was created.

It consists of the following information: the selected age-range (age-range description, minimum age, maximum age), a proxy birthdate (i.e. the latest possible birthdate associated with your chosen age range, calculated based on your band creation date), the method used to determine the creator's adult status (e.g, “selfie”), and a zero knowledge proof (an advanced mathematical calculation) that serves as the authenticity seal for the age band.

Why should I want an age band for me or my child?

Without age bands or other types of robust age checks, kids are often treated like adults by social media, gaming, pornography, and other sites.

This isn’t safe or positive for kids.

More meaningful age checks are a necessary step in making the digital world more age-appropriate.

Age bands like Bandio’s enable you to do a robust age check once, and then use the anonymous age band with sites and apps when you want to be sure they know that your kid is a kid.

How does creating age bands for adults help kids?

Sometimes, the best way to protect children is to ask the adults to help.

In the physical world, we deter young people from buying alcohol by asking everyone, including adults, to show an ID.

In the digital world, we can similarly help make clear which users are adults and which users aren't by clearly communicating our own age to platforms.

What would change for my child if sites knew their actual age?

Most parents don’t know that many popular sites provide better safety and privacy settings for users who self-declare themselves to be kids or teens.

These settings vary by site, but can include benefits like making the child’s profile private by default, limiting the ability for strangers to see the child’s posts, preventing violent or explicit ads from being shown to the child, restricting features that have harmed children in the past, and limiting access to content intended for older teens or adults.

More and more sites are adding or expanding these types of age-based settings in response to new regulations and public pressure. But your child is not benefitting unless the site knows your kid is a kid or your teen is a teen.

Why so many different age bands?

There are two reasons for having so many different age bands.

One reason is to ensure that when your child uses an age band, it provides the site with enough information to meet their legal obligations for your geographic region. Different regions have different age requirements for various types of online activity.

The second reason is to provide your child with a more developmentally appropriate experience from day one on a platform, without them having to collect data to try to guess their age.

Why can a 16-year-old create their own band?

Bandio enables 16 and 17 year olds to create their own age band because by age 16, most teens have developed a great sense of personal responsibility and autonomy, and also, they are more likely to have a state ID or license.

Parents and guardians can alternatively vouch for their older teen’s age, if they do not yet have a driver's license.

What next?

Raise your voice

Bandio is currently in its proof-of-concept stage. Thank you for trying it!

Now, platforms and legislators need to hear from parents so that truly private, convenient, unambiguous age verification can become a standard in the real world.

Click the button below to tell us which platforms you want to clearly communicate your child's age to, and any other feedback you have for us!

Together, as a community of parents and advocates, we can make a difference.

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for a Nicer Net.
